9th DOCUFY user meeting in Bamberg

20 years of DOCUFY and setting off into the new digitalized world of service

DOCUFY, the specialist for professional content management systems in the field of technical documentation, invited its customers to Bamberg from June 11–13 for a meet-and-greet, in-depth practical training sessions and the annual user meeting. Almost 200 attendees listened to talks by experts on the conference topic “Programmed for service.“

Bamberg, June, 27, 2018. – “Programmed for service” was the slogan of this year’s user meeting hosted by DOCUFY, the manufacturer of professional software solutions for technical documentation and first provider of <link internal-link>Multi-Level Documentation. It was the ninth user meeting of this kind and also marked the celebration of the company’s 20th anniversary. Uwe Reißenweber, General Manager of DOCUFY GmbH, kicked off the user conference by jumping back in time to 1998, when he founded the company as a specialist in XML, which was new back then.

Digitalization of industrial value creation and the platform economy

The subsequent presentation titled “Digitalization of industrial value creation and the platform economy” by Prof. Ulrich Hermann, Management Board Member for Heidelberg Digital Business and Services at <link https: www.heidelberg.com global en index.jsp _blank external-link-new-window druckmaschinen>Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), made it clear just how far technical progress and digitalization have advanced since then. Heidelberg acquired DOCUFY GmbH one year ago as part of its digital transformation. In doing so, the company has expanded the portfolio of its Heidelberg Digital Platforms division by adding the solutions COSIMA and <link internal-link internal link in current>TopicPilot developed by DOCUFY, as well as the concept of <link _blank internal-link internal link in current>Information Space. At the same time, the acquisition meant creating the corresponding conditions for smart service concepts, which are becoming increasingly important in this context. For example, in combining and further developing existing products, Heidelberg has already developed new solutions with DOCUFY for optimizing the service business. The implementation of Maintenance 4.0 is one of the first successful releases. “Service excellence based on fully digitalized solutions is a key to success for new business models in the field of mechanical engineering,” Hermann says.

Creating industrial e-learning units automatically with COSIMA

Uwe Reißenweber demonstrated how DOCUFY software can be used to transfer this excellence to employees in a fast and cost-effective way: through targeted training and continuing education by way of industrially prepared e-learning units. DOCUFY developed the concept together with a leading training provider in the industrial sector. Reißenweber proved just how easy it is to prepare individualized e-learning units for specific service representatives in an automated fashion by creating a digital learning unit live. In the process, training content is automatically pulled from the <link internal-link internal link in current>COSIMA content management system, while style sheets ensure that the instructional design is correct.

New COSIMA release provides even more customer benefits

Holger Rath, COSIMA product manager, demonstrated the new features of the latest release. For example, it is possible to add callouts, highlights and own designs to charts – all without external chart tools or complicated alignment processes. COSIMA classifications and metadata domains can be conveniently and cost-effectively translated. The <link internal-link internal link in current>DOCUFY Layouter makes it fast and easy to adapt publications to customers’ needs. Thanks to the Layouter, users can quickly realize different layout versions and make changes to the corporate design.

TopicPilot now also with Windows client for service technicians

Product manager Chistoph Beckmann showed off what is “new to the lineup,” meaning the fresh features in the latest TopicPilot release. Here, too, one focus is on ensuring that service representatives are ideally equipped. To make it possible for them to work with conventional laptops in the field, a TopicPilot Windows client now exists as a native Windows app. In the future, service technicians will find their maintenance tasks listed in the corresponding tables. In addition, personal filters mean even greater efficiency for the search function, while data encryption under Android means greater security.

University study on “information products for the products of the future”

Prof. Constance Richter from <link https: www.hs-aalen.de en facilities _blank external-link-new-window internal link in current>Aalen University took a scholarly look at the requirements expected of a modern service portal. Based on a recent study conducted by the university, she presented the state of the art, best practices and future requirements with regard to service portals. She concluded that the convergence of information engineering and usability engineering will not only provide the foundation for an effective and connected production environment of the future, but also for smart maintenance.

Artificial intelligence helps deliver better content

Michael Mannhart from <link https: www.acrolinx.com _blank external-link-new-window internal link in current>Acrolinx, the leading provider of AI-based software for enterprise content creation and a DOCUFY partner, gave a talk in a similar academic vein. In his presentation “The art (and science) of efficient content creation,” he showed how AI learning and machine learning can be linked to turn regular content into high-quality content.

Users took advantage of the days before and after the conference to take part in intensive training sessions on DOCUFY’s software solutions. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG also presented its <link https: www.heidelberg.com industry en it_solutions it_solutions_2 view2connect_2 view2connect.jsp _blank external-link-new-window internal link in current>View2Connect platform. This collaboration and communication platform forms an interface to the 3D product data from CAD, PLM or ERP and provides for agile technical writing support through the change assistant.


Video about Multi-Level Documentation from DOCUFY:
<link https: www.youtube.com _blank external-link-new-window to>www.youtube.com/watch

DOCUFY is a wholly owned subsidiary of Heidelberg. The company is a leading software manufacturer for multi-level documentation systems and is the first provider of Multi-Level Documentation. Besides its software products, DOCUFY also offers consulting and development services and professional support. The ISO 9001:2015 certified company is based in Bamberg and employs around 100 people. The software specialist also markets its multilingual software worldwide via a network of partners.

DOCUFY software solutions
COSIMA go! is a fully developed, ready-to-go Component Content Management System for the documentation process that can be adapted to meet specific customer needs at any time – whether for mechanical or plant engineering, measurement or control technology, or software.

COSIMA enterprise is the proven Component Content Management System that you can flexibly expand and adapt to accommodate specific needs. Customer-specific information models can be configured with ease, and importing master data and existing data structures is simple.

DOCUFY Layouter is a ready-to-go cloud solution to easily create, store and customize your own output layouts. The web interface is intuitive and easy to use. Output layouts can be loaded directly into COSIMA or TopicPilot.

DOCUFY Machine Safety is specialist software that can be used by companies to comprehensively comply with EC Machinery Directive specifications with maximum efficiency. It simplifies, accelerates, and improves the process of creating risk assessment for CE marking in line with legal requirements.

TopicPilot is an out-of-the-box solution you can use to easily publish all company-wide information on mobile devices, on the intranet, and on the web. You can start working with TopicPilot right away using existing data files. The powerful full-text search is another essential component of the application.

Katharina Gottwald I Head of Marketing & Communications I
Kapuzinerstraße 32 I D-96047 Bamberg I
Tel +49(0)951-208 56-6 I <link>presse@docufy.de I <link http: www.docufy.de en>www.docufy.de/en I

Petra Erner I PR Marketing I
Franz-Siegele-Weg 8 I 86919 Utting am Ammersee I
Tel. +49(0)8806-957 238 I Mobil +49(0)176-244 265 02 I <link>petra.erner@docufy.de I


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